Submissions to EHCS

Submit your article to the journal Emotions: History, Culture, Society (EHCS) vis the EHCS online management system:

Articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, including notes. Submitted essays should include a separate abstract of c.100–120 words, together with five keywords and a short biography of the author. Please prepare your essays using the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, using footnotes rather than endnotes, and consult the EHCS Style Guide and EHCS Submission Guidelines before submitting. Authors will receive reports from two independent referees within at least two months of submission.

Authors retain copyright of their articles and may republish them anywhere provided that EHCS is acknowledged as the original place of publication, and that the work is not published again within the first twenty-four months of the article’s initial publication in EHCS.

EHCS publishes only in English. We typically expect the contributors for whom English is not a native language to be responsible for translation apart from exceptional circumstances. All submitted manuscripts must be original contributions that have never before been published (in any language) and are not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

Download the EHCS Submission Guidelines

Download the EHCS Style Guide