Emotions: History, Culture, Society 5.2 (2021)

Published December 2021
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Notes on Contributors v-vi.
Louis Charland (1958-2021). Charles Zika and R. S. White. 183-186.
Laughter and Grief in Twelfth-Century Accounts of the Death of William Rufus. Lindsay M. Diggleman. 187-208.
René Descartes on Émotion. Louise C. Charland. 209-233.
The Thinking Fetus: Descartes at the Brink of Psychoanalysis. Cecilia Sjöholm. 234-258.
Johann Georg Zimmermann’s Therapeutics of Solitude in the German Enlightenment. Andreas Rydberg. 259-278.
Love as a Source of Illness in Late Eighteenth-Century Sweden – Examples from the Life Description of Pehr Stenberg. Ina Lindblom. 279-302.
Emotional Communities: An Understanding of Collective Situated Knowledge and Action. Diana Carolina Peláez Rodríguez. 303-330.
The History of Emotions: Where are we?
History of Emotions: Where Are We? Peter Stearns, Juanita Feros Ruys, Robert S. White, Grace Moore, Merridee L. Bailey, Una McIlvenna, and Kirk Essary. 331-354.
Emotions in Europe 1517–1914, Vol. 4, Transformations 1789–1914 edited by Katie Barclay and François Soyer. (Abingdon: 2021). Rachel Bynoth. 335-357.
The Politics of Humiliation: A Modern History by Ute Frevert. (New York: 2020). Nina Kriebig. 358-360.
Encounters with Emotions. Negotiating Cultural Differences since Early Modernity edited by Benno Gammerl, Philipp Nielsen, and Margrit Pernau. (New York/Oxford: 2019). Emanuele Giusti. 361-363.
Matters of Engagement: Emotions, Identity, and Cultural Contact in the Premodern World edited by Daniela Hacke, Claudia Jarzebowski, and Hannes Ziegler. (London: 2021). Katie Barclay. 364-365.
Les Raisons de la haine: Histoire d’une passion dans la France du premier XVIIe siècle 1610–1659 by Yann Rodier. (Ceyzerieu: 2019). Rupinder Kaur. 366-368.
Love. A History in Five Fantasies by Barbara H. Rosenwein. (Cambridge: 2022). Ida Caiazza. 367-370.
Battlefield Emotions in Late Antiquity: A Study of Fear and Motivation in Roman Military Treatises by Łukasz Różycki. (Leiden: 2021). Alexandra Pierré-Caps. 371-372.
ISSN 2206-7485 | E-ISSN 2208-522X
EHCS is published twice a year by Brill on behalf of the Society for the History of Emotions (SHE).
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Cover image: Drawings from Rene Descartes (1596-1650) supposing the function of the pineal gland. Inputs are passed on by the sensory organs to the epiphysis cerebri and from there to the immaterial spirit. L’Homme de Rene Descartes, et la formation du foetus (Paris: Compaignie des Libraires, 1729). Courtesy of Historical Collections & Services, Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, University of Virginia.
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