Emotions: History, Culture, Society 1.2 (2017)
Table of Contents
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Emotions and Change
Katie Barclay 1–9
Ecstatic Melancholic: Ambivalence, Electronic Music and Social Change around the Fall of the
Berlin Wall
Ben Gook 11–37
Militant Emotions in Reina Roffé’s Monte de Venus
Erika Bondi 39–58
Emotions and Empowerment in Collective Action: The Experience of a Women’s Collective in
Oaxaca, Mexico, 2006–2017
Alice Poma and Tommaso Gravante 59–79
Impostors: Performance, Emotion and Genteel Criminality in Late Eighteenth-Century England
Amy Milka 81–107
Pity, Love or Justice? Seeing 1830s Australian Colonial Violence
Jane Lydon 109–30
Shame, Social Orders and the Governing of Women and Girls through Institutions in New
South Wales
Jan Mason and Tobia Fattore 131–54
Book Reviews
(Click here to download all book reviews)
Atkinson, Meera, The Poetics of Transgenerational Trauma (London/New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017)
R. A. Goodrich 155–57
Beecher, Donald, Adapted Brains and Imaginary Worlds: Cognitive Science and the Literature of the Renaissance (Montreal/Kingston/London/Chicago: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016)
Danijela Kambaskovic-Schwartz 157–59
Brooks, Ann, Genealogies of Emotions, Intimacies, and Desire: Theories of Change in Emotional Regimes from Medieval Society to Late Modernity (New York: Routledge, 2017)
Raffaella Sarti 159–61
Hesson, Angela, Charles Zika, and Matthew Martin, eds, Love: Art of Emotion 1400–1800 (Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria, 2017)
Arvi Wattel 162–63
Knights, Mark and Adam Morton, eds, The Power of Laughter and Satire in Early Modern Britain: Political and Religious Culture, 1500–1820 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2017)
Robin Macdonald 164–66
Mallipeddi, Ramesh, Spectacular Suffering: Witnessing Slavery in the Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2016)
Natalie Zacek 166–68
Meiborg, Ceciel and Sjoerd van Tuinen, eds, Deleuze and the Passions (Earth, Milky Way: punctum books, 2016)
Paul Megna 168–71
Messner, Angelika C., Zirkulierende Leidenschaft, Eine Geschichte der Gefühle im China des 17. Jahrhunderts (Köln/Weimar/Wein: Böhlau Verlag, 2016)
Ines Eben von Racknitz 171–73
Miller, Mark J., Cast Down: Abjection in America, 1700–1850 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016)
Naomi Alisa Calnitsky 173–75
Van Engen, Abram, Sympathetic Puritans: Calvinist Fellow Feeling in Early New England (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015)
Kirk Essary 176–78
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Note: If you weren’t a Society member in 2017, you can access this issue online by joining the Society for the History of Emotions for 2020.
EHCS is published twice a year. The first two issues of Volume 1 (2017) were published in June and December 2017 by the Society for the History of Emotions. From 2018, EHCS is published by Brill on behalf of the Society.
Full access to online issues of Volume 1 (2017), Volume 2 (2018) and your choice of either print, online or print+online versions of the forthcoming issues of Volume 3 (2019) of EHCS is available to individuals through subscription to the Society for the History of Emotions for 2020.
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