Emotions: History, Culture, Society 2.1 (2018)
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Published August 2018.
Table of Contents
Notes on Contributors
Introduction: The Emotional Lives of Constitutional Patriotism
Kathryn Temple and David Lemmings 1–10
Making the Charter Great: Claiming Rights in Law’s Visual and Emotional Vernacular
Paul D. Halliday 11–33
‘Mixed Emotions’: Love, Resentment and the Declaration of Independence
Kathryn Temple 34–51
Performing Justice
Jessie Allen 52–70
Constitutional Patriotism, Moral Sentiment, and International Human Rights
Sharon R. Krause 71–89
‘Feelings Like the Women in Books’: Declarations of Love in Australian Romance Novels, 1859–1891
Jodi McAlister 91–112
The Role of the Arts in the History of Emotions: Aesthetic Experience and Emotion as Method
Erin Sullivan 113–31
Collective Emotions, History Writing and Change: The Case of the Pataria (Milan, Eleventh Century)
Piroska Nagy 132–31
Bell, I. and S. W. May, eds, (2017) Lady Mary Wroth, Pamphilia to Amphilanthus in Manuscript and Print. Toronto: Iter Academic Press/Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Paul Salzman 153–55
Boddice, R., (2018) The History of Emotions. Manchester: Manchester University Press
Carly Osborn 156–57
Boquet, D. and P. Nagy, (2015) Sensible Moyen Âge: Une histoire des émotions dans l’Occident médiéval. Paris: Seuil
Kimberley-Joy Knight 158–59
Millar, C.-R., (2017) Witchcraft, the Devil and Emotions in Early Modern England. London: Routledge
Michaela Valente 160–61
Natov, R., (2018) The Courage to Imagine: The Child Hero in Children’s Literature. London: Bloomsbury
Grace Moore 162–63
O’Gorman, F., (2017) Forgetfulness: Making the Modern Culture of Amnesia. New York: Bloomsbury Academic
Paul Megna 164–66
Prestel, J. B., (2017) Emotional Cities: Debates on Urban Change in Berlin and Cairo, 1860–1910. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Jade Riddle 167–68
Stearns, P. N., (2017) Shame: A Brief History. Urbana IL: University of Illinois Press
Mary C. Flannery 169–70
Teague, F. and M. J. M. Ezell, eds, (2016) Educating English Daughters: Late Seventeenth-Century Debates. Toronto: Iter Academic Press/Tempe, AZ: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Jill Burton 171–73
ISSN 2206-7485 | E-ISSN 2208-522X
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Cover image: A British Library exhibition officer dusts a painting on loan from The Victoria and Albert Museum to Magna Carta: Law, Liberty, Legacy, commemorating Magna Carta in 2015. Photography © Clare Kendall.