EHCS 3.2 (2019)

Emotions: History, Culture, Society 3.2 (2019)

Special Issue ‘Social Emotions’.

Published November 2019

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Notes on Contributors v–vii


Social Emotions: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Jordan McKenzie, Rebecca Olson, Roger Patulny, Michelle Peterie 187–201

Collective Emotions in Celebratory, Competitive and Conflictual Contexts: Exploring the Dynamic Relations between Group-Based and Collective Pride and Shame
Gavin Brent Sullivan, Chris R. Day 202–22

Happy, Stressed and Angry: A National Study of Teachers’ Emotions and Their Management
Roger Patulny, Alberto Bellocchi, Kathy A. Mills, Jordan McKenzie, Rebecca E. Olsen 223–44

Empathy, Emotions and Environment in Alternative Australian Landscape Cinema: The Case of Rabbit-Proof Fence
Alexa Weik von Mossner 245–65

Good White People: Settler Colonial Anxiety and the Endurance of Racism
Lisa Slater 266–81

Emotional Defence Lawyers
Lisa Flowers 282–99

The Municipal Pool in Australia: Emotional Geography and Affective Intensities
Penelope Rossiter 300–20


The Ties that Bind: Siblings, Family, and Society in Early Modern England, by Bernard Capp (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Merridee L. Bailey 321–23

Solitudo: Spaces, Places, and Times of Solitude in Late Medieval and Early Modern Cultures, edited by Karl A. E. Enenkel and Christine Göttler (Brill, 2018).
Lisa Mansfields 324–25

Domestic Devotions in Early Modern Italy, Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, edited by Maya Corry, Marco Faini and Alessia Meneghin (Brill, 2019).


Domestic Devotions in the Early Modern World, Intersections. Interdisciplinary Studies in Early Modern Culture, edited by Marco Faini and Alessia Meneghin (Brill, 2019).
Ottavia Niccoli 326–29

Talent / maltalent: la culture des émotions au seuil de la littérature française, by Grigoriu, Brînduşa (Brepols, 2018).
Yasmina Foehr-Janssens 330–32

Hope in Ancient Literature, History, and Art, by Georgios Kazantzidis and Dimos G. Spatharas (Walter de Gruyter, 2018).
Eduard Iricinschi 333–35

In the Orbit of Love: Affection in Ancient Greece and Rome, by David Konstan (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Doralice Fabiano 336–37

The Spatiality of Emotion in Early Modern China: From Dreamscapes to Theatricality, by Lam Ling Hong (Columbia University Press, 2018).
Susan Broomhall 338–39

Feelings Transformed: Philosophical Theories of the Emotions, 1270–1670, by Dominik Perler (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Chantelle Saville 340–42

Eventful Learning: Learner Emotions, edited by Stephen M. Ritchie and Kenneth Tobin (Brill|Sense, 2018).
Melissa Raine 343–45


ISSN 2206-7485 | E-ISSN 2208-522X


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Cover image: Lawson Olympic Pool, New South Wales, Australia.
Photo: © Penelope Rossiter.

Copyright 2019 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands

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