Current Issue 8.1 (2024)

Emotions, History, Culture, Society 8.1 (2024)

Special Issue: Emotion and the Medieval Self

Published July 2024

This issue is available here. Scroll down for details of how to subscribe.


Notes on Contributors v-vii.


Emotion and the Medieval Self. Frank Brandsma, Carolyne Larrington, and Sif Ríkharðsdóttir. 1-7.


Emotional Pain and Self-Harm in the Prose Lancelot and the Alliterative Morte ArthureGuillemette Bolens. 9-26.

Love and Entwined Selves in the Medieval Tristan Tradition. Isabella Clarke. 27-43.

Feeling Minne: Selfhood and Embodied Emotion in Mechthild von Magdeburg’s Mystical Devotions. Hannah Victoria. 44-60.

Emotion and the Female Self: Finding Space for Expression. Morgan Dickson. 61-75.

Spears and Spikes: Illness, Emotion and Bodily Invasion in Old Norse Abscess Narratives. Caroline Batten. 76-96.

Animal Emotionality and Selfhood in Old Norse Textual Culture. Timothy Bourns. 97-115.

‘De voix femmenine’: Self, Voice and Emotive Display in Jean d’Arras’s Mélusine. Meritxell R. de la Torre. 116-130.

Translating the Self in Medieval European Romance: Narration and Emotion in Partonopeu de Blois, Partonopier und Meliur and Partonope of Blois. Lucie Kaempfer. 131-148.

Afterword: Feeling One’s Way: Emotion and Medieval Literature. Andrew Lynch. 149-156.

Book Reviews

Narratives of Dictatorship in the Age of Revolution: Emotions, Power and Legitimacy in the Atlantic Space by Moisés Prieto (Abingdon: Routledge, 2023).  Rolph Petri. 157-159.

Nostalgia in the Early Modern World: Memory, Temporality, and Emotion edited by Harriet Lyon, and Alexandra Walsham (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2023). Brian Cowan. 160–161.

Affective Trajectories: Religion and Emotion in African Cityscapes edited by Hansjörg Dilger, Astrid Bochow, Marian Burchardt, and Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon (Durham NC.: Duke University Press, 2023). Kathryn de Luna. 162-164.

Unsettling Certainties: Emotions Exhibited by Nicholas Herriot. 165-167.

Actors, Audiences, and Emotions in the Eighteenth Century: Communities of Sentiment by Glen McGillivray (Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023). Fiona Richie. 168-170.

On Nixon’s Madness: An Emotional History by Zachary Jonathan Jacobson (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press, 2023).


ISSN 2206-7485 | E-ISSN 2208-522X


EHCS is published twice a year by Brill on behalf of The Society for the History of Emotions (SHE).

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