Emotions, History, Culture, Society 6.1 (2022)
Published June 2022
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Notes on Contributors v-vii.
Envy and Culture – An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Annemarie Bierstedt and Thomas Stodulka. 1-25.
Sensitive, Indifferent or Labile: Psychopathy and Emotions in Finnish Forensic Psychiatry, 1900s–1960s. Katariina Parhi. 26-45.
How Does It Feel to Be a Migrant? Affective Governmentality and Lived Experiences of Filipinas and Filipinos in Mainland China. Izabela Kujawa. 46–64.
Forum: Exploring Architecture and Emotions through Space and Place
Introduction: Exploring Architecture and Emotions through Space and Place. Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi. 65–77.
‘Home Feeling in the Heart’: Domestic Feeling and Institutional Space in the American Progressive Era. Katherine Fama. 78–95.
‘The Effect of London’: Urban Atmospheres and Alice Meynell’s London Impressions. Cigdem Talu. 96–116.
Sight Unseen: Mediating Vision and Emotion in Gothic Revival Churches c.1830–50. Erin A. Hammond. 117–134.
Architectures and Experiences of Joie de vivre. Christian Parreno. 135–149.
Filmic Imagination as Emotional Homeland: Confronting Callousness, Achieving Home in Post-war Turkey. Emre Gönlügür. 150–168.
Commentary. G. A. Bremner. 169–173.
Commentary. Rob Boddice. 174–177.
Book Reviews
Love and Revolution in the Twentieth-Century Colonial and Postcolonial World: Perspectives from South Asia and Southern Africa edited by G. Arunima, Patricia Hayes, and Premesh Lalu. (London, 2021). Katie Barclay. 179–181.
Shakespeare and the Comedy of Enchantment by Kent Cartwright. (Oxford, 2022). Steve Mentz. 182–183.
Epiphanies: An Ethics of Experience by Sophie-Grace Chappell. (Oxford, 2022). Hallvard Lillehammer. 184–185.
Monasteries and the Care of Souls in Late Antique Christianity: Cognition and Discipline by Paul C. Dilley. (Cambridge, 2017). Eduard Iricinschi. 186–188.
Cheerfulness: A Literary and Cultural History by Timothy Hampton. (Brooklyn, 2022). Peter N. Stearns. 89–190.
Modern Sentimentalism: Affect, Irony, and Female Authorship in Interwar America by Lisa Mendelman. (Oxford, 2019). Kirsty Martin. 191–192.
Emozioni e luoghi urbani. Dall’antichità a oggi edited by Elisa Novi Chavarria and Philippe Martin. (Rome, 2021). Giovanni Tarantino. 193–195.
Ways of the World: Theater and Cosmopolitanism in the Restoration and Beyond by Laura Rosenthal. (Cornell, 2020). Kirk Combe. 196–197.
Disaffected: The Cultural Politics of Unfeeling in Nineteenth-century America by Xine Yao. (Yale, 2021). Rob Boddice. 198–199.
ISSN 2206-7485 | E-ISSN 2208-522X
EHCS is published twice a year by Brill on behalf of the Society for the History of Emotions (SHE).
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